Are you planning a Disaster Resilience Project like you were buying a good umbrella to protect yourself from bad weather?
You don't want a cheap umbrella that breaks at the first gusts of wind! In fact, you are looking for solid partners, capable of funding your prevention needs, the umbrella that can bend but never breaks, the very one you want, to protect your community!
You are at the right place! The Prevention-Projects website offers you a unique solution to fund your Super Prevention Project Umbrella.
The Calls for Proposals we identify are aimed at small organizations in the field of Major Hazard Prevention (SMEs, NGOs, Associations and Local Authorities) seeking funds ranging from a few tens to a few hundreds of thousands of dollars ($) or euros (€).
In the field of Disaster Risk Reduction, time has come:
to ease access to funds that provide umbrellas to communities,
to make Local Stakeholder Project Offers converge with International Donors’ Calls for Projects.
Prevention-Projects wishes to increase its Leaders’ chances of succeeding in their projects by promoting their awareness of and access to relevant proposals. On the Donor's side, we increase Calls for Proposals’ visibility through our platform. The more proposals Donors receive, the better they can identify effective and innovative projects in line with their goals.
We pride ourselves in supporting Disaster Risk Reduction Stakeholders in accessing funds for their Umbrella.
Because Resilience to Major Hazard begins by breaking down the barriers to accessing the data that underpins Resilience, project funding information identified on Prevention-Projects website is free.
On this platform:
Based in Malta in the Euro zone, at the gateway to Africa and Europe and at the junction between the Western and Eastern Mediterranean, I-Resilience offers international consulting services in the field of the Disaster Risk Reduction.
Since its creation in 2015, it has completed thousands of services in the field of Major Hazard, mainly summary reports for private sector clients (consulting, and law firms) but also for International Organizations.
On a daily basis, I-Resilience Expert partners analyze hazard and danger studies (earthquakes, floods, landslides, cyclones, industrial plant related hazard and accidents...) and plans (prevention or emergency) and deliver reports.
Finally, I-Resilience develops and hosts various in-house Major Hazard Prevention online service applications or for emergency management such as this platform.
To receive by email the list of new Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Adaptation Related Calls for Projects and Proposals.
SubscribeTradulo has 20 years of professional experience in Language Services including in:
Tradulo offers services mainly in French, English, Spanish and Portuguese languages but may avail professional services in many other languages thanks to its extended network of highly qualified language service providers and freelance professionals.
Tradulo issued the French version of the SMEM manual which guided the implementation of SMEM Activities in France.
Tradulo has developed an extensive expertise in delivering high quality language projects and events to international organizations such as WHO, UNAIDS, UNOPS, African Union, the American Cooperation, the Swedish Cooperation, etc.)
Go toERNT-Direct is the Vanguard Hazard Diagnostics Specialist providing well thought of Statutory Major Hazard and Pollution related Real Estate Diagnostics Reports to buyers and tenants, Notaries, Real Estate Diagnosticians, Law Firms, Investment Funds throughout France.
With fast, safe and fairly priced services, ERNT Direct is positioned as the preferred Hazard Assessment Expert of demanding professionals and private individuals.
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