Prevention Projects

Calls for proposals of Donors
for Disaster risk reduction
and Climate adaptation


Call from Austrian Development Agency

Gender-transformative food and nutrition security project Sofala Province, Mozambique

Deadline : 09 Jun 2024
Hazards : Drought, Inondation, Climate change
Continents : Africa
Countries : Mozambique.
Themes : NGO, Agriculture, Gender

Call summary :

The Austrian Development Agency (ADA) invites Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) that qualify as development organisations or other equivalent institutions as defined in Section 3, Subsection 2, of Austria´s Federal Act on Development Cooperation to present their gender-transformative initiatives on promoting food and nutrition security in the districts of Muanza and Nhamatanda in Sofala Province.

Development organisations as defined by this Federal Act shall be non-profit making legal entities under private law provided that their objectives laid down in their statutes and their actual operations include development cooperation. Applicants need to dispose of adequate administrative and project implementing capacities as well as accurate business performance.

The objectives of this CfP are aligned with the government strategies to strengthen the role of women subsistence farmers in ensuring sustainable farm and food systems. To increase the demand-orientation and complementarity with other initiatives, eligible applicants will need to coordinate their cooperation with community based and local partner organisations as well as relevant government institutions at district and provincial level.

Any grant requested under this CfP must at minimum amount to EUR 1,500,000 and not exceed a maximum amount of EUR 1,800,000.

The planned duration of the submitted project should be between 36 and 48 months, including an inception and completion phase.


- Environmental, Gender and Social Impact Management (EGSIM)

Environmental sustainability, social inclusion and gender equality are fundamental to the achievement of development outcomes. Applicants are required to align their proposal with ADA’s Environment, Gender and Social Impact Management (EGSIM) system. Proper EGSIM requires that social, gender and environmental opportunities and benefits are enhanced in the project. It further ensures that environmental, gender and social risks and adverse impacts are avoided, minimized, mitigated or managed. The promotion of environmental, gender and social standards and safeguards should thus be considered at the earliest stage of the design, systematically addressed during implementation and followed-up through monitoring and evaluation.

- Gender
Contributing to the objectives of the EU Action Plan on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GAPIII), ADC needs to ensure that women and girls directly benefit from interventions by including gender equality as the main purpose of programmes as well as by applying gender-transformative approaches in the design, planning and implementation of interventions. This includes an analysis of existing gender inequalities and how they can be addressed as well as developing gender-sensitive indicators and gender-specific results/targets to assess the performance. Since gender equality in the context of food and nutrition security is the main objective of the project and will need to be adequately reflected in its design and expected results, the criteria for an OECD DAC Gender Equality Policy Marker II should be fulfilled.

- Environment and Climate Action
45% of the population in Mozambique live below the poverty line and 70% depend on climate-sensitive agricultural production for their food and livelihoods. Increased frequency and severity of intense storms, droughts and floods are likely to affect human development in Mozambique. The Global Climate Risk Index 2021 considers Mozambique as the most affected country in 2019. Droughts and floods regularly occur in Sofala Province, threatening the livelihoods of the people and the functioning of a sustainable ecosystem. There is a close correlation between poverty and climate vulnerability. The projected 1 degree celsius increase by 2037 will lead to an increase in droughts and duration of dry spells as well as heavy rainfall events and considerable sea level rise.

- Social Inclusion (Leave No One Behind)
To address poverty and exclusion, interventions shall focus on poor and vulnerable groups by applying a gender lense and an explicit focus on female smallholder farmers as well as by targeting households with one or more members with disabilities. A pro-poor focus should be applied emphasising the inclusion of poor and vulnerable groups (men and women) in decision-making processes that affect their lives, equality in access to resources and services. Moreover, economic empowerment of vulnerable groups as well as strengthening their capabilities in order to cope with the impacts of climate change as well as other crises and shocks (resilience). With a medium to longer term perspective also existing discriminatory social norms and practices need to be addressed in order to contribute to systemic changes.

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We offer our support for this funding opportunity.

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